Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Through all the cloudiness of this past weekend I managed to see things more clearly than I ever have before.  I was at Summer Camp music festival, a beautiful experience.  Running through swaying trees, surrounded by friends, sunlight peeking through pine needle shade...a beautiful experience.  I realized this weekend that when you smile, endorphins are released to your brain that make you happy, this means smiling is a drug, I realized that I am held together by the most amazing people I've ever known, and I realized this weekend that no one is going to hold my hand on this journey.  I have to be the change I want to see in both the world and in myself.  I can't be afraid to lead myself in a new direction.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


the tone changes...suddenly
my body is liquid melting
and moving to a rhythm i can't control
twisty turning arms and fingers 
swirl and intertwine with one another...........

forming new patterns
flying through thick air
hoping for an adventure,
 a new tone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009