Friday, January 22, 2010


Heat on sweat
making me crazy.
Driving through my seconds
of minutes of hours
with you and surrounding you.
Speeding towards a world of yes
with eyes that can't understand the meaning of regret.
Your lips soft on the pad of my thumb
telling me not to be scared.
I feel the time is coming
the air cries yes.

Friday, November 27, 2009


I just read an article describing the "climategate" emails as the best piece of evidence in the war against global warming science. Wow good job America, now in addition to the War on Terror and the War on Drugs we've created the War on Science. I guess this means that people fighting in this war will have to assume that everything science has given us is now suspect, how about the war on modern medicine? war on the food you eat? war on your way of life? Over the coming days will we see anti-science vigilantes flinging their computers to the ground, rejecting science as myth, drawing out maps of the universe with a flat Earth on a turtle's back? Of course not, because these people don't care about science, don't understand it, and only like it if it is pushing their political agenda. Just cause Sean Hannity says it has been the coldest year on record does not make it fact. I understand that people have a hard time understanding that anthropogenic climate change is real, but a war on global warming science?? Who are the players? On the one hand, you have a group of computer hackers taking emails out of context and on the other you have scientists who have engaged in years worth of highly scrutinized research. While I value questioning and don't think we should ever take things at face value, I also believe that we need to look at the full body of climate change research to form an opinion. We have a long history of people trying to distort the truth, the scientific process is the only thing we can trust in a world of lies.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Coming Home

I have been home for barely 24 hours of this Thanksgiving break....
1 meal eaten at home
2 parents-happy to see me
3 minutes before we all start arguing
4 hours spent laughing with an old friend
5 questions my parents can't answer
6 topics I probably shouldn't bring up in front of conservatives
7 days till I get to leave
I have been here barely 24 hours....and counting

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Moment

I have always believed in the power of the everyday joy. In the feeling of air passing through your lungs and leaves of grass criss-curling through your fingers...for the whole of my life I have been chasing these everyday joys. Living from sensation to sensation. I need to start challenging my potential.

Monday, September 21, 2009

transform the me

A very very close friend of mine has opened my eyes recently.
I have not thought things out the way I need to...
there is not enough time in this life for me to do everything I want to.

The time for wasting minutes is over.
I have to jump in...
no regrets.

Monday, September 14, 2009


apprehension, mixed with a desire, the pit of me.
things are about to change.

you can sense it,
smell it on the winds of time.

I am standing as a pilgrim
on the edge of a precipice
looking down and
up and
all around me.

change is coming
on the winds of time.

we will never be able to go back

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Downward glances at my shoes,
my curly hair, my unmade face.
Am I ugly to you because I defy the norm?
Am I the hypocrite because I hate you for adhering to it?
I ask for your understanding,
yet I have lost the capacity to see logic in your words.
I know I am stronger.
I defy you to look at me that way again.